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Full set


Pick a Heart + Craft output and receive everything you need to assemble your own! The kit will include a heart + craft redeemable IYK card, enough blocks to make at least three hearts (+ some extras), each of the paint colors used in the hearts, and a paintbrush (not pictured). You’ll only need to order your glue separately.


Estimated ship dimensions: 22 inches x 13 inches x 7 inches

IYK Card

There are a few steps to activate your card and redeem your NFT. Read the instructions here.


Shipping times may vary, please expect up to 10 days before arrival, and additional time for international deliveries. 

Full set


How do I assemble my heart + craft object?

Instructions for assembly and color composition are included in your digital output. We like to use the bag o’ blocks, glue, our custom paint set, and a paintbrush. To achieve the best results, once you glue your blocks and paint let your project dry overnight before moving it.

What is IYK?

IYK makes redeeming digital objects as simple as a tap. We also think it’s the most fun, simple way to start on your generative NFT journey.

What is generative?

Generative algorithms are capable of producing a seemingly unlimited number of outputs from a single computer program, and we work with production processes that enable consumers to get their hands on physical manifestations of those algorithmic outputs.


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